Friday, May 18, 2012

Glamorous Illusions by Lisa T. Bergren
I LOVED this story, and couldn't put it down. We start off with Cora and her family in 1913 Montana on a little dry farm trying to mill out an existence. Events transpire that lead to a mysteries man arriving on her front door step clamming to be her father. He wishes to get to know her and for her to get to know her siblings. He has arranged for her and her siblings to go on a Grand Tour, ( Okay I want to come too, well I guess I did in a way lol). The tour for this book takes place in England and France. Cora knows it will not be easy to be excepted by her siblings or society. She is an illegitimate daughter of a very wealthy and powerful man, society was not very excepting of situations like this. So Cora's self discovery begins, who is she deep down inside, who does she want to be, what is worth working for and fighting for. Cora is a bright, witty, kind, frustrated, sometimes immature, carrying, strong, and flawed young woman. I really enjoyed her story, how she interacts with her new found family, how they treat her which is definitely bumpy, and will take time and trust on both their parts. The Grand Tour is pretty grand they get to go to all sorts of neat places and social events. There is also a mini love triangle which is fine with me. She is trying to figure out who she is. The men are sweet chivalrous and a little mysteries. Mrs. Bergren's writing is wonderful and flows beautifully. It has been a lot of fun watching Cora begin to come into her own. I enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait for the next one. I received this as an arc for my e-reader, but I have already pr-ordered it for my own personal library to share with friends and family. The cover is a perfect fit and gorgeous.

Clean read

Thank you to David Cook Publishing and Netgalley
Another favorite series of mine by Lisa is "River of Time Series", Waterfall, Cascade and Torrent. This series was a wonderful read different from Glamorous Illusions. 

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