Saturday, July 2, 2011

Lisa T. Bergren
I absolutely love this series, it is so,so good! It is one of those books you just cant put down and don't ever want it to end! Cascade starts off were Waterfall left off. Gabi and Lia are back in present day Italy. Gabi is completely heartbroken to have left Marcello( as was I). There were a few things they had to do in modern Italy, and then they head back to 1300's Italy. This was one adventure after another, some were good and some had me heartbroken. Mrs. Bergren writes a wonderful romance, I loved watching Marcello and Gabi's love grow and blossom into something special and real. Marcello, Marcello he is so amazing, he is always there for Gabi physically saving the day as well as opening his heart to her completely! There are some wonderful surprises to their relationship, that I will not spoil and let you find out for yourselves. Lia and Luca's relationship is great too. I like how it is moving slowly and I love Luca he is so hilarious with all his little one liners. He is also handsome, full of chivalry and totally into Lia, he is also very patient with her as she is trying to figure out what she wants. They all work together to fight for their family and lands. There are so many other wonderful characters from the first book that we get to be with again, as well as some of the villians we don't like. I couldn't flip pages fast enough, I love this series, so well written and intriguing, with a wonderful romance. I don't want to wait until September for book 3, and I really don't want this series to end!! Can't it just go on forever?

no language
clean romance

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great review! I'm so glad you're a part of the River of Time Tribe. :-) When I saw your header for the blog, I knew you were my kind of girl! I'm all for realism, but please, please, give me some sort of hope in the end of a book...

    It also sounds like you are in the Team Marcello camp. Check out "River of Time Series" on Facebook to see the buttons another blogger created! Can't wait to see what you think of TORRENT...

    Love, Lisa
